This page contains some of my academic publications. For industry talks and papers, please visit the respective companies. If you can’t find a publication here, feel free to email me or try my page on Research Gate.
Selected Talks
Re-use of slides or animations permitted with attribution.
SIGCOMM 2004 – Sizing Router Buffers
Our talk at SIGCOMM 2004 – contains a number of nice animations of TCP and buffer interaction, however depending on your security settings they might now work.
Available as:
Power Point

Reviewed Conferences and Journals
Implementing an OpenFlow Switch on the NetFPGA platform
Proceedings of the ANCS ’08, Stanford, California, October 2008
Available as:
Sizing Router Buffers
Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM ’04, Portland, Oregon, September 2004
Person-Level Routing in the Mobile People Architecture
Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, October 1999.
The Mobile People Architecture
ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), July 1999.
User-Friendly Access Control for Public Network Ports.
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM’99, 21-25 March 1999, New York, NY, USA.
Field and Service Robotics
Section in book ‘Field and Service Robotics’, published by Springer Verlag, 1998. ISBN 1-85233-039-2
Available online at
Physical Agent for Sensored, Networked and Thinking Space
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven Belium, 1998 May.
Not available online.
Functions and Roles of Mobile Robots in Sensored, Networked and Thinking Spaces
International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, FSR’97, 8-10 December 1997, Canberra
Not available online.
Physical Agent for Intelligent Spaces: Functions and Roles of Mobile robots in Sensored, Networked and Thinking Spaces
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Boston USA, 1997 November.
Not available online.
Intelligent Space and Mobile Robots
Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Future Communication and Intelligent Control, Tokyo Japan, 1997 October.
Not available online.
Intelligent Space as an Extended Sensor for Mobile Robots
Nihon-Robotto-Gakkai, Tokyo Japan, 1997 September.
Not available online.
Building Topological Maps by Looking at People: An Example of Cooperation between Intelligent Spaces and Robots
Extended version of submission to IROS’97, Intelligent Robotic Systems 1997, Grenoble.
A Low-Cost, High-Speed, Calibrated 3D Vision System for Tracking Humans – A Component of the Intelligent Mechatronics Network
IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics ’97. June 16-20, 1997, Waseda University, Tokyo, JAPAN.
Not available online.
A Low-Cost Real-Time Stereo Vision System for Looking at People
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. July 7-11, 1997 – Guimaraes, Portugal.
Not available online.
Active Parameter Control for the Low Level Vision System of a Mobile Robot
IROS’96, Intelligent Robotic Systems 1996, 4-8 November 1996, Osaka.
Exploration of the Environment with an Active and Intelligent Optical Sensor System.
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 1996, November 1996
Not available online.
Experimental Performance Characterization of Adaptive Filters
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 25-30 August, 1996, Vienna.
Exploration of the Environment with a Laserscanner and Digital Cameras.
In Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Syste, Lisbon, Portugal 22-26 July 1996.
Not available online.
Experimental Evaluation of Vision Systems and Automatic Parameter Control
Asian Conference on Computer Vision 1995, 5-8 December 1995, Singapore.
Not available online.
Automatic Parameter Control for Experimental Evaluation of Vision Systems
IAR-95, IAR annual meeting 1995, 23-24 November, Grenoble.
Technical Reports, Posters, Other Documents etc.
Carving Research Slices Out of Your Production Network with OpenFlow
ACM Computer Communications Review, Volume 40, Number 1, January 2010. Best Demo Award of SIGCOMM 2009.
Available as:
Abstract (PDF)
A Demonstration of Virtual Machine Mobility in an OpenFlow Network
Demo at SIGCOMM ’08, Seattle, Washington. Best Demo Award of SIGCOMM 2008.
Available as:
Poster (PDF)
Abstract (PDF)
The Stanford Virtual Router
Poster from SIGCOMM 2002, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review Vol 32, no 3 July 2002
Available as:
Can Google Route?
Class Project for CS344, Stanford, 2002. I would not not normally list
a class project, but this presentation has since been cited in several patent
applications and I thus want to make it generally available.
Available as:
The Mobile People Architecture
Technical Report CSL-TR-99-777, January, 1999.
Master’s Thesis (Diplomarbeit)
Experimental Evaluation of Adaptive Filters for 3D Reconstruction
G. Appenzeller, Masters Thesis (Diplomarbeit), University of Karlsruhe and IMAG Grenoble, 1995.
Not available online.
Implementing an OpenFlow Switch on the NetFPGA platform
Proceedings of the ANCS ’08, Stanford, California, October 2008
Available as:

Sizing Router Buffers
Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM ’04, Portland, Oregon, September 2004
Person-Level Routing in the Mobile People Architecture
Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, October 1999.
The Mobile People Architecture
ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), July 1999.
User-Friendly Access Control for Public Network Ports.
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM’99, 21-25 March 1999, New York, NY, USA.
Field and Service Robotics
Section in book ‘Field and Service Robotics’, published by Springer Verlag, 1998. ISBN 1-85233-039-2
Available online at
Physical Agent for Sensored, Networked and Thinking Space
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven Belium, 1998 May.
Not available online.
Functions and Roles of Mobile Robots in Sensored, Networked and Thinking Spaces
International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, FSR’97, 8-10 December 1997, Canberra
Not available online.
Physical Agent for Intelligent Spaces: Functions and Roles of Mobile robots in Sensored, Networked and Thinking Spaces
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Boston USA, 1997 November.
Not available online.
Intelligent Space and Mobile Robots
Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Future Communication and Intelligent Control, Tokyo Japan, 1997 October.
Not available online.
Intelligent Space as an Extended Sensor for Mobile Robots
Nihon-Robotto-Gakkai, Tokyo Japan, 1997 September.
Not available online.
Building Topological Maps by Looking at People: An Example of Cooperation between Intelligent Spaces and Robots
Extended version of submission to IROS’97, Intelligent Robotic Systems 1997, Grenoble.
A Low-Cost, High-Speed, Calibrated 3D Vision System for Tracking Humans – A Component of the Intelligent Mechatronics Network
IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics ’97. June 16-20, 1997, Waseda University, Tokyo, JAPAN.
Not available online.
A Low-Cost Real-Time Stereo Vision System for Looking at People
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. July 7-11, 1997 – Guimaraes, Portugal.
Not available online.
Active Parameter Control for the Low Level Vision System of a Mobile Robot
IROS’96, Intelligent Robotic Systems 1996, 4-8 November 1996, Osaka.
Exploration of the Environment with an Active and Intelligent Optical Sensor System.
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 1996, November 1996
Not available online.
Experimental Performance Characterization of Adaptive Filters
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 25-30 August, 1996, Vienna.
Exploration of the Environment with a Laserscanner and Digital Cameras.
In Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Syste, Lisbon, Portugal 22-26 July 1996.
Not available online.
Experimental Evaluation of Vision Systems and Automatic Parameter Control
Asian Conference on Computer Vision 1995, 5-8 December 1995, Singapore.
Not available online.
Automatic Parameter Control for Experimental Evaluation of Vision Systems
IAR-95, IAR annual meeting 1995, 23-24 November, Grenoble.
Technical Reports, Posters, Other Documents etc.
Carving Research Slices Out of Your Production Network with OpenFlow
ACM Computer Communications Review, Volume 40, Number 1, January 2010. Best Demo Award of SIGCOMM 2009.
Available as:
Abstract (PDF)
A Demonstration of Virtual Machine Mobility in an OpenFlow Network
Demo at SIGCOMM ’08, Seattle, Washington. Best Demo Award of SIGCOMM 2008.
Available as:
Poster (PDF)
Abstract (PDF)
The Stanford Virtual Router
Poster from SIGCOMM 2002, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review Vol 32, no 3 July 2002
Available as:
Can Google Route?
Class Project for CS344, Stanford, 2002. I would not not normally list
a class project, but this presentation has since been cited in several patent
applications and I thus want to make it generally available.
Available as:
The Mobile People Architecture
Technical Report CSL-TR-99-777, January, 1999.
Carving Research Slices Out of Your Production Network with OpenFlow
ACM Computer Communications Review, Volume 40, Number 1, January 2010. Best Demo Award of SIGCOMM 2009.
Available as:
Abstract (PDF)

A Demonstration of Virtual Machine Mobility in an OpenFlow Network
Demo at SIGCOMM ’08, Seattle, Washington. Best Demo Award of SIGCOMM 2008.
Available as:
Poster (PDF)
Abstract (PDF)

The Stanford Virtual Router
Poster from SIGCOMM 2002, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review Vol 32, no 3 July 2002
Available as:

Can Google Route?
Class Project for CS344, Stanford, 2002. I would not not normally list
a class project, but this presentation has since been cited in several patent
applications and I thus want to make it generally available.
a class project, but this presentation has since been cited in several patent
applications and I thus want to make it generally available.
Available as:

The Mobile People Architecture
Technical Report CSL-TR-99-777, January, 1999.
Master’s Thesis (Diplomarbeit)
Experimental Evaluation of Adaptive Filters for 3D Reconstruction
G. Appenzeller, Masters Thesis (Diplomarbeit), University of Karlsruhe and IMAG Grenoble, 1995.
Not available online.
Experimental Evaluation of Adaptive Filters for 3D Reconstruction
G. Appenzeller, Masters Thesis (Diplomarbeit), University of Karlsruhe and IMAG Grenoble, 1995.
Not available online.